Laser Optronic è un’Azienda storica italiana fondata nel 1975, specializzata nella fornitura di sorgenti laser, sistemi e strumentazione nell’ambito della fotonica, componentistica ottica, meccanica e automazione di precisione, pronta a soddisfare le domande del mercato in ambito tecnologico.
Grazie al personale specializzato dei due uffici di Milano (sede centrale) e Roma riesce a supportare la più esigente clientela nell’ambito della ricerca e nei mercati industriale, militare, biomedicale e O.E.M.
Thermal imaging testing in modern engineering
/in Application Notes /da AndreaWhat started as an experiment to aid in firefighting and the military in the 1970s has today become an integral part of non-destructive testing procedures. From power distribution systems to facility management, thermal imaging testing, with the help of modern low-cost infrared cameras, is saving the world in every imaginable field of engineering by detecting issues and helping in suppressing their impact right at the start
Ultrafast laser heating of hybrid nanoparticles in biological media
/in Application Notes /da AndreaComparison of Chromacity 1040 and previous results obtained with 1064nm lasers nanoparticles heating. The results of this studies show that for biomedical application more than a 10-fold reduction in nanoparticle concentration could be administered in order to experience similar heating effects.
RF over Fiber Solution for 5G Applications
/in Application Notes /da AndreaThe deployment of optic is highly efficient for distribution networks that need to handle instantaneous bandwidths exceeding a few GHz and up to 40GHz.